Al Toefield Memorial Road Race
July 22, 2006

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Photo by Nathaniel Miller, posted at

Race Report
by Scott Demel

A foggy, muggy morning, hence the gloomy look of doom from the photographs for the day.  There were 3 primes throughout the event, but no breaks established from them, which surprized me.  3 to go and the final prime is called.  After the prime lap with 2 to go, Chris (Edgemont) attacks.  Kissena Keith goes.  I go, too.  We're all riding individually (bad!). I get to Keith after 3rd St, we both get up to Chris at Bartell and start working as a group.  We have an OK gap.  Near the S/F with 1 to go, it looks like we're going to be caught (were we?) and we all stop working hard (bad!). Get caught by the field and I'm popped on the hill.  Brett graciously drags me back into contact with the field (good!).  Got into contention for the field sprint and just managed 6th.

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