by Pete Baiamonte Me, yesway Ray, Donola, Norm, Scott as Crewchief Wish more of you guys had been into this, I think I speak for all of us by saying it was a cool race and interesting change of pace. Location: southern Jersey.. mostly flat, about an hour drive from the city. The weather was real nice with some light wind. Roads were really nice, very smooth, good scenery and very little traffic. There were 10 teams in the 4/5 race. Course was one big 40k loop, all categories did one loop except open senior men who did 2 loops.. 80k. We got there early, registered and all warmed up on trainers before our 8:58 start time. At the start we had one of the first open men teams blow past us just seconds before we started, they were starting their second lap. We started strong and got into a smooth paceline very quickly, all of us in aero bars. We yo-yoed with the open team that had passed as as we started, I believe this actually helped us a bit to get going. We passed them after a bit, then they passed us after a bit, then a while later we passed them again... then later they passed us for a final time. We had an official on a motorcycle watching all this for a bit and making sure neither team was doing any drafting. All this went on for almost the first half of the race. Somewhere after the halfway mark we passed the team that had started two places ahead of us (four minutes) and we knew we were making good time. We had started real strong and started to pay a price a bit.. we had to all ease up a little and Don in particular was riding on the edge of his max at this point. We did a good job of talking to each other and staying together and keeping a fast pace till around 10K to go. At about this point, Don was hurting and dropped off the back... we slowed up a bit, Don waved us to go on, we only needed three riders at the finish for the clock to stop. Decided to keep going without Don as it was close to the finish and he seemed pretty cooked. In the last 5k or so Norm was starting to hurt a bit... maybe we pushed a bit too hard at the beginning. We needed to stay together so Ray and I tried to take very long pulls, we were both feeling good. There were some small rollers at the end and the climbing hurt us all, my calves were on the edge of cramping. We hit the finish and later found out we took 3rd in the 4/5's This was a cool race and I hope to do it again, free t-shirt for all riders, waterbottles, lots of marshalls and state police and officials on motorcycles, just all around well run. We had a really good team and it was cool of Scott to come along, I think we all appreciated having him there.. congrats to us... :) Pete |