by Jonathan O'Brien
sprint for 3rd won by Adam with 2 away from lap 8.
After a crash on lap 5, Adam took off well before the hill, Jason and I
sprinted up to the front of the group and tried to control the pace
riding in tandem. We even got a few comments as to nice teamwork!
Adam eventually came back and then a new break of two went. The
group followed through until the sprint finish, where Adam was behind
the leadouts from 600m, and I followed to the right (my traditional
route). I began sprinting at the fire hydrant, and saw my marked man
choosing my lane (Bike Techonolgies Australia in a skin suit) so I
grabbed his wheel. We followed our line through the faders up to the
line for 7th & 8th in the sprint.
Finally! ...am tired of consistently being just behind the front group!
p.s. nice ride Jason, it's going to be great having you with the 4s.