by Jason Gay
Maybe getting my butt kicked
during those Prospect Park training rides by Adam S. and Brett C., et
al is paying off... I got a ride from a friend last-minute so I went up
to the finale of the Bethel Spring Series today and wound up placing
4th in the first Category 5 field.
They actually sent out two Cat 5 fields of about 30 guys each - I think
the second one had more of the Bethel regulars, and the first had the
out-of-town interlopers like me. How were competitive were
they? Beats me. This was my 3rd race ever. I'm still trying to
figure out what the bell means.
In my race, everyone kind of sat around and looked at each other until
the last lap, where it broke up a bit. The final sprint is on the hill
and there was a crash behind us which I think took down one or two guys
but I didn't see it. I have a little bit of couldashouldawoulda regret
that I wasn't at the very front entering the hill sprint but I'll take